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Halfway through show season....

Heeeeeeyyyyyy! How is everyone doing?

I just wanted to take a minute and say "Hey" to everyone and give you all a little insight into what has been going on since show season started.

We have completed 5 shows already (technically 4... lol) with number 6 this weekend out of 11 shows. I said technically 4 because we got to one of our outdoor shows and the wind was so bad that multiple vendors had their tents broken or worse and they had products break. So after setting up for about an hour and a half, it takes me extra time with my growing belly, we decided to call it a day and pack up and go home, like all the other vendors did too.

So far, we have had a GREAT show season. It is so exciting to go to shows and interact with our customers and see their reactions first hand. My favorite thing about the shows is hearing: "We bought your hat last year and we specifically came to you to get another one this year". I can't tell you how many times I have heard it, however it is truly just as special as the first time I did. Knowing that I have made an impact on someone with what I have made truly is why I do this. Fall Diddley is one of our biggest shows each year, and honestly one of the most fun ones to do too. But when I got home, my husband Ty, said "Well babe, how does it feel to have affected so many people?" I was kind of surprised and taken back by his question and looked at him like "what do you mean?" He went on to say: "Well every person who bought a hat or anything else, you touched their life and most of the people who bought them were parents or grandparents, so double that and you have touched that many people's lives." I was at a loss for words because he was right. Julie and I work tirelessly and nonstop on a daily basis to produce the inventory that we keep, plus all of the custom orders and special requests that we do. But that is exactly why we do this. Plus I gave him some major brownie points for being so stinkin' cute and supportive.

Being 7 1/2 months pregnant at this point has caused show setup and tear down to be a little slower than in previous years. HOWEVER, this has meant that Julie has had to come to more shows than in past years. Ty has had to step in a lot more too. The funny part about this, is that last year, Julie was the one that was 7 1/2 months pregnant. Selfishly, it has been so much fun having her come to more shows... lol I will never pass up time with her! Fall Diddley maybe our biggest and hardest show to do, however it is also a two night sleepover and at the end of it we are pretty loopy. But I have to admit that that is when our best and most funny ideas come out.

So to ALL the people who have come out to our shows or placed an order, we TRULY thank you with all of our hearts. You support and loyalty mean the world to us.

Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you! Also, we can't wait to see you at one of our upcoming shows.


Love you, BYE!

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